Good Condition
Very Good Condition
worn condition
good condition
very good condition
Good condition
Worn Condition
near mint condition
Ultra rare, prewar Third Reich Danzig Polizei M16 shell with painted decals, good condition.
Mint Condition
Salty Condition.
Salty Condition
Near Mint Condition
Mint condition
SS VT tornister very good condition
used condition
Very good condition
Worn codition
worn condiot
Very good condirion
Worn condition
Excellent Condition
WWII probably Hitlerjugend SS division, small size, SS-BW (Dachau) good condition.
salty condition
WWII Pea Dot camouflage W-SS tunic, good condition.
Scope for German K98 carbine from World War 2, good condition
WWII SS dagger with portepee, manufactured by Eickhorn, Worn Condition
WW2 German SA party dagger, salty Condition o
WWII German SS overseas cap‘Schiffchen’ with BEVO insignia, good condition.
WWII camo winter Heer tunic used by Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe, worn condition.
Third Reich SS Allach porcelain figure, made as gifts for soldiers, good condition.
Wehrmacht M36 tunic of Heer Artillery "3" units, very good condition.
Waffen ss feldmutze
Very good condition, E series SS-FM by Deschler.
worn condition M40 Heer Tortoise camo helmet
Very good condition, over 43cm length. Tunic removed, super nice Der Fuhrer cuff title.
Worn Condition, SS M42 single decal helmet.
Worn condition, complete and untouched helmet of Waffen-SS units.
Good Condition, W-SS M43 one button field cap of Panzer unit.
Worn Condition, fine example of a period used M43 one button field cap.
Mint conditio Bevo skull
mint condition
worn condion
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